
Save Intercom conversations as ProdPad feedback

Zapier is a great way to collect ProdPad Feedback from Intercom conversations.

To do this, you will need the following:

  • An Intercom account
  • A Premium Zapier account
  • A ProdPad account

Step 1: Select your Trigger

To start with, create a new Zap in Zapier, search for Intercom, and connect your Intercom account to the Zap. Next, select Tag added to Conversation from the available triggers in Zapier. 

In the Trigger menu, select the tag you'd like to use for the trigger. In this example, we've opted to use a tag in Intercom named new_tag_to_use

Once you've selected the tag, make sure to run a test in the Test section to ensure everything is working correctly. 

Next, create a new action by using the + button under the Trigger action you've just created. Search for ProdPad in the available actions in Zapier and connect your ProdPad account. Next, in the Action event, scroll down and select Find User

In the Configure menu, select ID for Search Mode. In the Search Value field, click the + button on the right-hand side of the field and find Contacts Contacts ID from Step 1. Tag Added to Conversation. Lastly, select No for the Should this step be considered a success if no search results are found? field. 

Make sure to run a test in the  Test section to ensure everything is working correctly. 

Next, create a new action by using the  + button under the previous action you've just created. Search for Intercom in the available actions in Zapier and connect your ProdPad account. Next, in the Action event, scroll down and select API Request (beta)

In the Configure menu, select GET for the HTTP Method and use the below URL for the URL Field:

At the end of the URL, click the + button on the right-hand side of the field and select ID from the trigger: 1. Tag Added to Conversation.

Run a test in the  Test section to ensure everything is working correctly. 

Next, create a new action by using the  + button under the previous action you've just created. Search for Formatter by Zapier in the available actions in Zapier. Next, in the Action event, scroll down and select Utilities

In the Configure menu, select Response Data Conversation Parts Conversation Parts Body from the Input value from Step 3. API Request (Beta)

Run a test in the  Test section to ensure everything is working correctly. 

Next, create a new action by using the  + button under the previous action you've just created. Search for ProdPad in the available actions in Zapier and connect your ProdPad account. Next, in the Action event, scroll down and select Create Feedback

In the Configure menu, click + Add search step under the Contact field. This will add a search step to the action. 

In the Configure menu for the new search step you've created, enter the below values into the required fields:

  • Click the + button on the right-hand side of the Unique ID (email) field and select Email from Step 2. Find User
  • Click the + button on the right-hand side of the Name field and select Name from Step 2. Find User

Scroll down and tick the Create ProdPad Contact if it doesn't exist yet? checkbox. 

Scroll further down and enter the below values into the required fields:

  • For Link Name, enter the name of the link as you'd like it to appear in ProdPad. This will create a link from the Contact in ProdPad to the Contact in Intercom that you can use to quickly navigate between both apps. Once you've entered the link name, click the + button on the right-hand side of the field and select ID from Step 2. Find User.
  • For Link URL, enter the below URL into the field:

    Click the + button on the right-hand side of the field and select ID from Step 2. Find User. Next, click back into the field, ensuring you're on the right hand side of the ID you've just entered, and enter the below URL:


  • For Link External ID, click the + button on the right-hand side of the field and select ID from Step 2. Find User.

The configuration settings for this Action should look like the below screenshot: 

Run a test in the  Test section to ensure everything is working correctly. 

Click Continue, which should take you back to Action 6: Create Feedback.

Scroll down and in the Configure menu, enter the below values into the required fields:

  • For Feedback, click the button on the right-hand side of the field and select Output Text from Step 4. Utilities.
  • For Contact, this step should already be automatically populated with Contact ID from the search step we created previously (Step 5. Find Contact). 

Scroll further down in the Configure menu and enter the below values into the required fields:

  • For Name, enter the name of the link as you'd like it to appear in ProdPad. This will create a link from the Feedback in ProdPad to the conversation in Intercom that you can use to quickly navigate between the two apps. Once you've entered the link name, click the + button on the right-hand side of the field and select ID from Step 1. Tag Added to Conversation.
  • For External Link URL, enter the below URL into the field:

    Click the  + button on the right-hand side of the field and select ID from Step 1. Tag Added to Conversation.
  • For External Link External ID, click the + button on the right-hand side of the field and select ID from Step 1. Tag Added to Conversation.

The configuration settings for this action should look like the below screenshot: 

Run a test in the  Test section to ensure everything is working correctly. 

Your Zap should look like the below screenshot:

Once you're finished, test the Zap to ensure the correct information is being sent into ProdPad. Once you're happy with the Zap, you can publish it and begin using it to send tagged conversations in Intercom into ProdPad as Feedback!

Things To Note

When a Contact is created in ProdPad using the Zap, you'll see a CRM Link at the bottom of the Contacts information page. This link will take you directly to the contact in Intercom. 

When Feedback is added to ProdPad using the Zap, you'll see an external link in the Links section of the Feedback. This link will take you directly to the conversation in Intercom. 

Once you send a conversation from Intercom into ProdPad as Feedback, you can use the Summarize AI button to generate a summary of the newly created Feedback. This is a handy way to quickly see what the Feedback contains. You can read more about how our AI tools work here, and more about how to use the Summarize button with Feedback here

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