Hubspot (Feedback)
This article focuses on how to add feedback to ProdPad from Hubspot.
To complete this Zap you will need:
- A Hubspot account
- A Zapier account
- A ProdPad account
Step 1: Select your Trigger
To get this going, we will select the trigger from Hubspot as "New Ticket in Hubspot" and retrieve the following properties:
- Ticket Information: Ticket ID
- Ticket Information: Record ID
- Ticket Information: Ticket Status
- Ticket Information: Category
- Ticket Information: Ticket Name
- Ticket Information: Ticket Description
Most of these have been pre-selected by the Hubspot Zap, you will need to search and select Record ID.
To ensure you have the right data, run a quick sample check. Be sure to update a test ticket in Hubspot before running this check and select a record to continue with.
Step 2: Add a Filter
Next, we will add a filter (add an action and search/select Filter by Zapier) so that only tickets with a particular status move forward. In this case, we are choosing any ticket with the ticket category "FEATURE_REQUEST".
NOTE: the filter value field should be a string not a selected data item from Hubspot i.e. do not select 'Ticket Information: Category" again.
Step 3: Find Associations in Hubspot
Add a new Hubspot action with the Event Find Associations. This step will help us retrieve the contact's information based on the ticket submitted.
Now set the following field as:
"The ID of the object you want to search the association" for the object as the ID option from the New Ticket trigger
"The type of the object you want to search the association" as Ticket
"Number of association types you want to search" as One
"Type of the objects the from object is being associated with" as Contact
Click continue, the Test Step
Step 4: Get Contact Information
Now add a step, select Hubspot and Get Contact. We have located the contact, now we want to get the correct information to then pass on to ProdPad.
We will use the contact ID found on step 3 as Ticket to Contact.
Step 5: Find A Contact action
Next, add an action an search for ProdPad. Once selected, connect to your ProdPad account and select Find A Contact for the event.
Next, select the Action tab. Map Unique ID with the contact email and External ID with the contact.
You'll now want to make sure the ' Create ProdPad Contact if it doesn't exist yet?' option is ticked. To do this, scroll down the menu and tick the option check box. This will ensure that a contact is made in ProdPad should the contact not exist within your ProdPad account. When creating a Contact it is worth mapping external link details, this allows you and your colleagues to quickly link back to the Hubspot resource and helps avoid duplicates.
You can configure the external link similar to the above - provide a link title (you can add your own string and use the zapier tags too).
To create a link URL take your Hubspot URL for contacts (something like{ID}/record/0-1/Link and append the tag for the Hubspot contact ID and map External ID with Contact ID.
Step 5: Create Feedback in ProdPad action
Next, add another step by pressing the grey + button and searching for ProdPad. Once selected, connect to your ProdPad account and select Create Feedback in ProdPad for the event. You can then add the following mapping:
Mapping the External Links data means you can link back to the ticket feedback from the feedback in ProdPad. I added the string "Hubspot Ticket - " in front of the data tag in Zapier so that it has a nice readable name when the link is created in ProdPad.
All going well, when the trigger conditions are met you should see something like this in ProdPad.
To ensure you have the right data, run a quick sample check. Be sure to update a ticket before running this check.
And now your Hubspot to ProdPad feedback Zap is ready to go!