
GDPR within ProdPad

The Data Processing Schedule in our  Terms of Service states specifically how we will process and secure data that is entered.


Our sub-processors are:

  • Amazon Web Services, Inc which provides infrastructure and hosting
  • The Rocket Science Group, DBA MailChimp which provides transactional email

If you are using beta features or part of the beta program then there are additional sub-processors:

  • OpenAI, Inc which provides LLM functionality

Data Deletion Policy

We care about your data – even after you leave. This means you have a choice of how your data is treated if you need to cancel your ProdPad account. Please be sure to designate which you prefer at the time of cancelation – if you don’t, you will be automatically placed into the “passive delete” category.

Active Delete

Ask for this if you are absolutely positive that you do not want ProdPad to retain any of the information you entered while being a customer or trial participant. This might be appropriate if your company has strict security standards – or if you are really comfortable that it is time to “let it go”. If you want to active delete your account you need to email us at

Passive Delete

This is for you if you aren’t all that concerned about the data. You are pretty sure that you won’t need it again, (maybe because you’ve already pulled a copy of everything using our API). This is also a great option for those of you who think you might be coming back to ProdPad. Granted, there is a bit of risk in this category, because ProdPad retains the right to delete your data whenever we want or need to.


We know that there are times where you just want to push a “pause” button, and not start from scratch when it is time to get back on the road. By choosing the “Parking Plan”, by paying a monthly fee (15% of your usual plan at time of cancelation) – we will keep an eye on your data, indefinitely. 

Decommissioned Disks and Disk Erase Policy. 

Certain disks containing data may experience performance issues, errors or hardware failure that lead them to be decommissioned (“Decommissioned Disk”). Every Decommissioned Disk is subject to a series of data destruction processes (the “Disk Erase Policy”) by AWS. Full details on disk decommissioning are available here


We use various services to help provide ProdPad. At all times we minimise any personal information (PI) that is used in those services in order to minimise any possible harm to people. We have tracking of usage of the app which is used to help us provide the best possible support, identify and fix bugs and allow us to continually improve the product.

Users have to give consent before entering data into ProdPad as we have a consent step for our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy during the account creation process.

For full details see our Privacy Policy.

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