How ProdPad works with Jira

How ProdPad works with Jira

There are two different ways to integrate ProdPad with Jira - these are Jira Full Sync and Jira Status Sync

With both integrations, you can push ideas and user stories from ProdPad to Jira as issues for your dev team to work on with just a couple of clicks. The status of the issue is then synced back to ProdPad as it progresses through your development pipeline. The difference between the two integrations here is with Jira Full Sync, any changes made in Jira will be reflected in the mapped fields in ProdPad. However, due to the nature of the sync, changes made to the Jira issue will take up to 15 minutes to reflect in the linked idea in ProdPad.

Which Jira integration you should use depends on your needs, your product process, and the type of Jira instance you are currently using. Check out the main features of each integration below and decide what works best for you:

Jira Full Sync

    Jira Full Sync allows you to spec out your ideas and user stories in ProdPad and then push them to Jira for development. You can also import your existing Jira backlog and sync newly created issues to ProdPad. If your issues change in Jira, the integration will reflect those changes to the mapped fields in ProdPad. As mentioned above, it can take up to 15 minutes for those changes to appear in the linked ProdPad idea or user story. If anything changes in the ProdPad idea or user story, you can use the Sync updates to Jira button to sync the updates to the linked issue in Jira.

    Current Jira Full Sync capabilities:

  • Jira Full Sync is compatible with Jira Cloud and Server/Data Center projects.
  • Currently, the integration can only be used for mapping text fields.
  • You can push content to Jira from your ProdPad idea title, description, notes and functional specs text fields and sync any updates made in Jira back to ProdPad. The updates can take up to 15 minutes to reflect in the linked ProdPad idea or user story. 
  • You’re able to push the user story title, description and acceptance criteria from ProdPad to a text field in Jira.
  • You can push updated content to Jira from updated ideas and user stories in ProdPad using the Sync updates to Jira button.
  • Sync the issue status in Jira back to your ProdPad workflow.
  • Import project issues from Jira into ProdPad. Read more about how this feature works here
  • Set Jira Integrations to teamwide.
  • Check out our Jira Full Sync FAQ for more details on current functionality.

Jira Status Sync

    With Jira Status Sync, ProdPad becomes the original source of truth. You can spec out your ideas and user stories in ProdPad and push them to Jira. The original specs of the idea will be preserved in ProdPad, regardless of any changes made in Jira. 

    Current Jira Status Sync capabilities:

  • Jira Status Sync is compatible with Jira Cloud and Server/Data Center projects.
  • You can push ideas and user stories from ProdPad to Jira as issues.
  • You can update pushed Ideas in ProdPad and use the 'Sync updates to Jira' button to update the Issue in Jira.
  • You’re able to push idea title, description, business case, notes and functional specs text fields, as well as your tags, designs and attachments to a suitable field in Jira.
  • You can push user story title, description and acceptance criteria to a suitable Jira field.
  • Sync the issue status in Jira back to your ProdPad workflow as it moves through your Jira pipeline.
  • Set Jira Integrations to teamwide.

With both versions of the integration, you can configure how ProdPad ideas and user stories are pushed to Jira issue types. We recommend the following mapping:

ProdPad idea = Jira epic

ProdPad user story = Jira story (or any other base-level issue type)

The above mapping allows you to have the link between ideas and user stories in ProdPad reflected as parent/child-linked issues in Jira. 

You can also sync the workflow status of ideas in ProdPad with existing Jira issues by linking to an associated integration. See our guide to adding links to ideas for a full breakdown of how that works.

If you need help or advice getting your integration set up, contact our support team:, we’ll be more than happy to help!

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