Setting up a Jira Full Sync integration for Jira Cloud
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Use our Jira two-way integration to create a link between your ProdPad Ideas and User stories and your Jira issues to update them when there is a change in either tool. Changes made in any ProdPad Idea or User Story that is linked to a Jira Issue will update instantly when the Sync updates to Jira button is used. However, due to the nature of the sync, any updates made in the Jira Issue will take up to 15 minutes to reflect in the ProdPad Idea or User Story. This article will discuss how to successfully set up the Jira Full Sync integration between ProdPad and Jira Cloud projects.
How to set up a Jira Full Sync integration
- Step 1: Create the integration
- Step 2: Connect your Jira account
- Step 3: Map Jira project and issues
- Step 4: Map Idea fields to Jira issue fields
- Step 5: Map ProdPad user story fields to Jira issue fields
- Step 6: Map Jira statuses to ProdPad Workflow stages
- Step 7: Sharing an integration
How to use the integration
Make sure to read the current capabilities and limitations for Jira Full Sync in our Jira Full Sync FAQ guide before creating your integration.
Step 1: Create the integration
Click on the Integrations icon from the bottom left-hand side of the navigation bar.
Click Create an Integration and then select Jira Cloud from the Development menu.
You'll then be given the choice of integration you'd like to create. In this help article, we'll be setting up a Jira Full sync integration, which you can find on the left-hand side of the selection menu. Once you've selected this option, click Next to move to the next step.
You'll then be prompted to give your integration a name - this is to help you and your team identify your integration, which is useful if you’re planning to set up multiple integrations to different Jira projects. When you're ready to move forward, click Connect.
Step 2: Connect your Jira account
After clicking Connect, you'll see an Atlassian account confirmation screen pop up. Once you've selected your account and accepted, the screen will close, and you'll return to ProdPad. Click Next to move on to mapping ProdPad to Jira.
Note: We have moved to OAuth 2.0 authentication, therefore it is no longer necessary to create app links for Jira Cloud integrations with ProdPad. However, if you have existing Jira integrations, it is best to leave the app link in place, as deleting may invalidate active tokens and break those integrations.
Step 3: Map Jira project and issues
This is the stage where you will choose which Jira project the integration will connect to, and dictate how information in ProdPad will map into Jira.
Here is a list of the current field/field type compatible with Jira Full Sync.
ProdPad idea attributes | Supported? |
Title | Yes |
Description | Yes |
Problem Statement | No |
Functional Specs | Yes |
Notes | Yes |
For the best results with this integration, the mapping we recommend is:
- A ProdPad Idea = A Jira Epic
- A ProdPad User story = A Jira story.
Mapping a ProdPad Idea to an Epic allows for there to be a parent/child linked relationship between the story issue type.
Read our guide for more info on mapping your work in ProdPad, and to get a sense of how Feedback, Ideas, User Story and Initiatives all relate to one another. If how you're currently using Jira doesn't fit with the suggested Idea/User story framework, get in touch via, and we can advise you on how else you could configure your integration. Once you've finished setting up your mapping, click Next to continue to the next step.
Step 4: Map Idea fields to Jira issue fields
This is the stage where you set how Jira fields will map to Idea fields in ProdPad. Because of the continuous sync of data between ProdPad and Jira, the mapping should be one to one, i.e one Jira field maps to one ProdPad field. For convenience, the Idea fields will be automatically mapped depending on the Jira issue type option you selected for Ideas in the previous step, but the default mapping for these fields can be changed as required. You can click the + Add mapping button to map more fields for your ideas. Once you've finished setting up your mapping, click Next to proceed to the next stage of the integration setup.
Step 5: Map ProdPad user stories to Jira issue fields
Next up is mapping ProdPad user stories to Jira issue fields. As stated above, you can click the + Add mapping button to map more fields for your user stories. As with Ideas, the User Story fields will be automatically mapped depending on the Jira issue type option you selected for User Stories in the previous step, but the default mapping for these fields can be changed as required.
Step 6: Map Jira statuses to ProdPad Workflow stages
Lastly, you will configure how you want Jira statuses to reflect in your ProdPad Workflow. You can set a Jira status to map to multiple workflow stages. For example, if you have Jira statues like QA testing, UAT review, peer review - these could all map to one 'Testing' status in ProdPad.
Once the status mapping is done, click Activate. You'll also see the option to Start import and active next to the Activate button. This option allows you to import your Jira project issues into ProdPad and activate the integration at the same time. To learn more about importing Jira project issues into ProdPad, jump to the Importing from Jira section of this article.
Using the Jira Full Sync integration
Pushing an idea from ProdPad to Jira
Head to your Ideas list, and pick an idea that's ready for development. On the Idea Canvas page, click on Push.
This will open up a module window where you can choose to push the Idea via the Jira integration you've set up.
You will also be prompted to push over user stories. If you choose to do so, any associated user stories will be pushed to Jira as stories and associated with the Epic that the Idea becomes (assuming the issue type selected for the Jira integration is Epic).
If you have any required fields, you will be asked to enter them before pushing.
There will now be a link to the Jira ticket in the Integrations section at the top of the Idea. The ticket in Jira will also link back to the ProdPad Idea. To quickly navigate to the linked Issue in Jira, simply click the link in the ProdPad Idea (also to note, you can click the link in the Jira Issue to navigate back to the linked ProdPad Idea too!).
From now on, any changes to the linked issue's status in Jira will automatically update the Idea workflow stage in ProdPad – such Ideas will be marked with a blue banner with a Jira logo on it.
If you make any changes to a pushed Idea or User Story in ProdPad, you'll notice the Push button on the Idea canvas changes to Sync updates to Jira. Clicking this button after you make changes to a pushed Idea will update the linked Issue in Jira instead of creating a separate new Issue. The updated changes will be reflected in the Jira Issue immediately when the Sync updates to Jira button is pushed. However, due to the nature of the sync, any changes made to the Jira issue can take up to 15 minutes to appear in the linked ProdPad Idea or User Story.
How to Pause and Resume Jira Sync
To pause the Jira full sync for a pushed Idea, navigate to the Idea and check the “ Synced to Jira” status. If the status shows “Synced to Jira”, it means the Idea is currently synced. To pause the sync, simply click the “Pause Jira Sync” button located on the right-hand side of the Idea. Pausing the sync will stop the synchronization for the specific Idea, or the User Stories attached to the Idea you’re working on. Other Ideas linked to the same Jira integration will also pause until you or another user (who has an integration synced to the same Jira workspace) resumes the sync again.
After clicking the “ Pause Jira Sync” button, synchronization with Jira will stop, and the sync status will update to “Jira Sync Paused". Any locked fields on the Idea will become editable, allowing you to make necessary changes. While you’re editing, all updates will remain in ProdPad and will not be pushed to Jira.
When you’ve completed your edits, click the “ Sync Updates to Jira” button to restart the full sync. Your changes will be pushed to Jira, the Idea fields will become read-only again, and the sync status will update to “Synced to Jira”. To read more about how the "Pause Jira Sync" feature works, click here.
Importing from Jira
If you have tickets in Jira that you want to bring into ProdPad, you can import them once you have a Jira Full Sync integration set up.
By bringing Jira tickets into ProdPad, you can:
- Use the ProdPad idea framework to reframe and refocus tickets on the problem they're solving, and value they could provide
- Take the idea through your workflow stages, helping you better decide if and when something is ready for development
- Connect the idea to your products and roadmap
The import function will bring in any Jira tickets that aren't linked to existing ProdPad ideas, and match the mapping set in the integration configuration. To learn more about importing Jira project issues, check out this help article here.
Top Tip
Looking to add multiple projects? If you wish to set up another project within Jira, simply repeat the steps above. You may set up as many integrations as you like - and as long as they're the same account (base URL) they will only count as one integration.
Sharing an integration
Working as a team? No problem! You can set your Jira integration to teamwide, allowing you to share your setup with other users in your account. This will allow the entire team (editors and admins alike) to use the integration as needed. Learn more in Enabling Team-Wide Integrations.
Jira Full Sync for Jira Cloud is available on the following Legacy plans: |
Modular V1 with Dev Power-up |
Essential or Advanced |
Performance |
Enterprise |