Adding Sections to Ideas
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- Plan: All
Roles and Permissions
- Add/Delete: Admin, Editor
- Edit: Admin, Editor, Reviewer (if idea creator or assigned as owner, reviewers can also add)
- View only: Reviewer
By default, all sections will be visible when viewing an Idea.
The requirements section includes a description and a business case that asks four questions:
- Description
- What problem are you trying to solve?
- What value would it provide, if solved?
- Target Outcomes
- Actual Outcomes
This is to encourage all users to think about the problem rather than pitching you a solution, which is then backed up and validated by any Feedback you receive.
Using the Target Outcomes section will also allow you to see the results you were hoping for by implementing the Idea, and measure the success by comparing it to the Actual Outcomes once it's been released.
Ideas can also be supported, spec'd and validated further with other key sections.
The following sections are available:
This is an overview of the Idea as a whole.
This section includes any linked Feedback that relates to the Idea, giving the Idea more clarity for validation when building its specification.
User stories
These include title, description, and acceptance criteria. Feel free to format these in any way you want (gherkins, JTBD, etc.)
Functional Specs
This section is free text, meaning you can format it in any way you want with the available text editor. You can use this to add technical details.
This section is free text, meaning you can format it in any way you want with the available text editor. You can use this to add any additional notes for your team.
This section supports designs uploaded natively to ProdPad, as well as items from third party integrations.
Add any supporting files, including spreadsheets or PDFs directly to this section.