Group Roadmap by Objectives

  • Availability
    • Group by Objectives for Portfolio Objectives: All
    • Group by Objectives for Product Specific Objectives: Roadmap Advanced

You can view your Roadmap to focus on Objectives and the Initiatives contributing to them.

Switching between the default and Objective view is performed by a simple toggle on the top right of the roadmap. This view is available at the portfolio, product line and individual product level. You can also create shareable published roadmaps using this view.

With 'Group by objective' enabled you can view your Roadmap organised by Objectives and their associated Initiatives. 

If an Initiative is linked to multiple Objectives, it will appear in all relevant groups.

Ordering in Group by Objectives view

Objectives are ranked according to how many Initiatives in the Now (left column) they are linked with. Objective groups at the top are the ones associated with the most active Initiatives.

By ranking according to Initiatives in the Now column, you can see at a glance which Objectives are being contributed to, and which are served by work planned for the future (Later). 

For an overview of how Now, Next, Later Roadmaps hang together - take a look at our guide to building your Roadmap in ProdPad.

Good to know

  • While in Group by objectives view, drag and drop for Initiatives is disabled.
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