Key Results

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    • Edit: Editor/Product Manager
    • Delete: Admin
    • View only: Reviewer

Key results help you measure the impact the work you are doing will have on a particular objective. You can apply key results to both portfolio and product-level objectives. 

Add Key Results

Key results exist within objectives. To add a new key result, locate the objective you want to create the key result under, click on the objective to open the slide out and click on Add key result.

Give your key result a name and a progress status to begin with. This may be “ on track” as you’ve only just begun.

Next, select the contributing initiatives that will help you keep track of the key result.

A screenshot of the key results menu where you can add a key result.

Generate AI key results

Our GPT-powered key results generator helps you draft and refine key results, using the objective title and description as the basis. 

A screenshot showing the placement of the GPT-powered AI key result generator button.

Once the key results have been generated, you can choose to add them to the objective, discard them, or try again. The more information and context you put in the objective description, the more accurate the generated key results will be. For more information about how ProdPad uses AI, see our FAQ.

Keep Track of Key Results

Once you have added key results to your objectives and linked the contributing initiatives, you will be able to track progress as you go.

To update progress, click on the progress tracker next to the key result.

A GIF showing the different key result progress trackers.

Once you update progress, you can enter a status change comment indicating what has changed.

See all status updates

To see all changes in a running list, simply access the " Status change comments" option to view all changes made to the key result.

A screenshot showing the status change comment list for changes made to key results.

Complete Key Results

As you work through and complete initiatives, you can go back to the key result and record the outcome. Did your work achieve the impact you wanted to achieve? This is the place to record it all!

You can select the completion date, the final progress, outcome, and select any additional initiatives you may have missed.

As key results are completed, you can keep track of how many key results have been completed at the bottom of the initiative.

A screenshot showing how to confirm the number of completed key results linked to an initiative.

You can also update your key results post-completion. If you need to go back and make changes to the outcome of the key result, simply click on the number of completed results listed on the objective. This will show you a list of all completed items.

You can then click on the item name to trigger the editing options.

A GIF demonstrating how to make changes to a completed key result.

Filtering objectives by key results

You can filter objectives - both portfolio and product - according to certain key result criteria. To do this, access the Filter menu on the left-hand side of the screen.

A screenshot showing the filter menu.

How to filter by key result

This allows you to filter according to whether:

  • An objective has a key result added to it.
  • An objective doesn't have a key result added to it.
  • An objective has a key result marked as completed.
  • An objective has an incomplete key result, i.e it's still in progress.

A screenshot showing the key result options in the filter menu.

How to filter by key result status

This allows you to filter objectives according to the status of the key results attached to them.

A screenshot showing the key result status options in the filter menu.

Create saved filters and share them

When any of the above filters are applied - you can use the Save filter button to return to that view again without having to reapply the filters.

A screenshot showing how to save a custom filter.

Give the filter a name. If you want others to be able to access the same filter, tick the Share filter box.

A screenshot showing how to name and share the custom filter.

You can then return to that filter view at any time using the Saved filter tab.

A screenshot showing how to find the custom filter in the filter menu.

Delete Key Results

To delete a key result, click on the objective to prompt the side panel. Locate the ellipsis tool next to the key result and on the contextual menu select Delete.

A screenshot showing how to delete a key result.


Once deleted, a key result cannot be recovered.

Key Results tracking is available on the following Legacy plans:
Modular V1 with OKRs power-up
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