Setting up a Tagging System
Having a tagging system in place can make a world of difference in managing content. Not only are tags good for locating important bits of information, but they also help you understand context within your organization. Whether you’re looking to highlight information or filter out some noise, ProdPad’s tagging system keeps things straightforward.
How to do it
Think of tags as relevant to the particular area you are looking at.
In the roadmap section, tags are applied directly to initiatives. This can help you filter across multiple products and product lines. We generally recommend using tags to highlight where specific teams are working together, product areas of interest, and to communicate dependencies.
For ideas, tags can be used in a variety of flexible ways. This will assist with the prioritization of your backlog.
For customer feedback, use to help identify which areas of your product the feedback may be impacting.
Tags are useful for filtering & highlighting relevant context for your organization and can be used across the following areas:
- Roadmap initiatives (working version AND published)
- Ideas
- Feedback
- Personas
- Contacts
- Companies
Tags can be useful as an additional level in Portfolio Hierarchy, for example, if you have more than 3 layers of "Products" in your current ways of working and want a further way to break them down in the Portfolio roadmap.
Some common examples of how other customers have used tags include:
- Foundational work vs improvements
- Functional areas e.g. “Analytics”, “Search”, “Filtering”
- Market segments
- Departments
- Major Releases or Milestones
- Highlighting dependencies
- Product lifecycle, e.g. “startup”, “maintenance”, "decommission"
- Lean startup derived language, e.g. "Assumption", "Experiment", “Hypothesis”
- Programs/projects that would deliver on that associated theme
- Consider how tags would map to labels in your delivery tool e.g. Jira
- Where possible, use existing framework in ProdPad rather than duplicating with tags
- Objectives & Key Results
- Roadmap initiatives
- Link ideas & feedback
- Consider starting without tags, and iterate based on needs
Further Reading
Check out these articles on using tags: