Visualize Priorities

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You can easily visualize your priorities by assigning impact and effort, and a confidence score to all of your ideas. You will find the scale for setting the impact, effort and confidence score on the right-hand side of any idea. 

By setting a score for your idea, your ideas will be mapped out in a chart view, with 'time sink' on the right-hand side and your 'quick wins' on the left-hand side. In your ideas list, click on the Chart view button to see the impact/effort chart.

You can also toggle on the ' confidence' view to see those same ideas color-coded, which indicates the potential success of each idea. 

Prioritization Matrix 

The prioritization matrix is a powerful visual tool for evaluating Ideas based on their impact and implementation effort. 

How It Works

  • Ideas are plotted on a chart relative to their impact score on the X-axis and effort score on the Y-axis.
  • “Quick wins” (high impact, low effort) appear in the top left quadrant.
  • “Time sinks” (low impact, high effort) are found in the bottom right quadrant.

Understanding the Visualization Dots

  • Each dot represents individual ideas on the chart.
  • The Idea dot position is determined by impact (X) and effort (Y) scores.
  • The size of the dot determines how detailed the idea is, essentially a rough guide to show you the difference between a one-liner and an idea that has a bunch of comments, mockups, user stories, etc. It's by no means scientific, but useful to have a rough idea!

Color Coding

  • The Recency view indicates the last time those ideas were interacted with via color, ranging from bright red for ideas that have been recently interacted with, to plain grey for those that have been ignored for a while. 
  • The Confidence view indicates the confidence the team has in the outcome of each Idea (this value is expected to change as the Idea moves through discovery).

Additional Features

  • Toggle idea numbers on/off for cleaner visualization.
  • Hover over dots to view idea titles.

To visualize your priorities in more detail, you can use the filters on the left-hand side to focus on specific tags, products, roadmaps, and even those ideas that are assigned to you. For example, if you were looking to strip out all new ideas and focus on ideas that haven't been looked at in a while, you can toggle on the " Not updated recently" filter and nurture the ideas left on the chart.

Please note that this feature is currently only available as a Beta feature, and as a Beta feature, the confidence scoring's final name, functionality, and availability in plans will likely change as it is refined.

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