16-11-10 Release Update
- Fixes to Zapier API.
- Fixed issue with Slack bot not reacting to votes.
- Fixed an issue that affected teamwide integrations from showing for some users.
- Removed unnecessary validation of emails when creating customers in API.
- Creating a Slack integration now automatically supports SSO with Slack
- Added new trigger to Zapier: New Feedback. This will poll ProdPad for new feedback and allow you to trigger an action in a 3rd party application.
Improvements to API:
1. GET /feedbacks by default returns list of feedback un-grouped by customers.
2. New parameter group_by added to GET /feedbacks to group by customer
3. GET /feedbacks, GET /ideas, GET /userstories now includes size & page parameters
4. Tags can be created or added to feedback when using POST /feedbacks
6. Ideas can be linked to a new feedback created using POST /feedbacks
7. Tags can be created or added to an idea when using POST /ideas
8. New endpoint GET /search to search through ideas, products, feedback and personas
9. New ideas can be set to active (default), active_public to show on the portal and archived using the “state” field when POST /ideas
10. Existing ideas state can be changed to active, active_public or archived using the “state” field using PUT /ideas/:id