Create a Custom Webhook
A custom webhook can be setup to push data of an idea or user story to an external application. This allows the connecting of ProdPad to additional applications beyond the ones currently integrated.
Setting up a custom webhook
In your ProdPad account, navigate to the Integrations section.
Scroll down and select 'Custom Webhook' from the Integrations page.
Enter your webhook's name and URL.
The integration will then be available as you named it when clicking on "Push to development" from within the idea canvas. Unlike native integrations, it won't show an external URL as reference of the push.
When pushing an idea to a custom webhook endpoint the user can select to include the user stories associated with the idea or not.
The data is pushed as a JSON object, gziped and deflated. The data structure is the same as GET /ideas/:id for an idea and GET /userstories/:id for a user story with additional hash “pushed_by” that contains data on who pushed the idea or user story.
POST body for idea
Status: 200 OK{"id" : 1155,"project_id": 181,"account": {"id": "2""slug":"acme-ltd","name":"Acme Ltd."},"web_url":"https:\/\/\/company\/acme-ltd\/idea\/181\/show","impact" : "40","effort" : "13","created_at" : "2012-05-09 17:00:49","updated_at" : "2012-11-26 14:52:08","title" : "Suggest new music","description" : "Create a new module that recommends new tunes or albums to users","state" : "active","business_case": {"problem" : "Too many people get bored of their music","value" : "Implementing this idea will increase engagement with new music"},"functional_spec" : "","notes" : """creator" : {"id" : "3","username" : "user-name","display_name" : "User Name"},"status" : {"id" : "32","status" : "Queued for Dev","added" : "2014-05-18 22:00:38"},"owner" : {"id" : "3","username" : "user-name","display_name" : "User Name"},"author" : {"id" : "3","username" : "user-name","display_name" : "User Name"},"tags" : [{"id": "270","tag": "innovation","added_at": "2014-05-19 22:21:59"}],"products" : [{"id": "25","name": "MusicApp3000","added": "2014-05-19 22:22:35"},{"id": "27","name": "MusicApp for Android","added": "2014-05-19 22:22:03"}],"personas" : [{"id": "23","name": "Name","added": "2014-05-19 22:22:09"}],"user_stories" : [{"id": "8425","story": "As a user,
I want to access new music suggestions,
So that I never get bored of listening to the same songs","acceptance_criteria": "* Display a list of recommended songs based on behavior
* User can play songs or browse through albums by swiping","created_at": "2014-05-19 22:48:55","updated_at": "2014-05-19 22:48:55"},],"pushed_by": {"id": "1","username": "Testuser","display_name": "Test Admin","email": ""}}
POST body user story
Status: 200 OK{"id": "8425","story": "As a user,
I want to access new music suggestions,
So that I never get bored of listening to the same songs","acceptance_criteria": "* Display a list of recommended songs based on behavior
* User can play songs or browse through albums by swiping","created_at": "2014-05-19 22:48:55","updated_at": "2014-05-19 22:48:55","ideas": {"id": "2801"},"pushed_by": {"id": "1","username": "Testuser","display_name": "Test Admin","email": ""}}
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