Setting up a Trello Integration

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If you use Trello to manage your development workflow, you can set up a direct integration between ProdPad and Trello.

The integration allows you to push ideas to Trello once you’ve completed fleshing out your product specs in ProdPad. Currently, you can't push User Stories to Trello. 

Getting the integration with Trello set up is easy, and just requires you to follow these steps:

Part 1: Setting up the Trello integration in ProdPad
Part 2: Pushing Ideas to Trello
Part 3: Get your team on board

Part 1: Setting up the Trello integration in ProdPad

To start, log in to ProdPad as an Admin, and head to the Integrations & API module.

Integrations in the menu

On the module page, click on +Create Integration and select Trello to get started.

Enter a name for the integration e.g. Trello Dev Queueand and a quick description, then click Create.

If you aren't already logged into Trello, you will be prompted to enter your credentials. Once you're logged into Trello you’ll be prompted to allow ProdPad limited access to your Trello profile. We require access to read your organizations and boards; create and update cards, lists and boards; and make comments on your ideas.

Trello integration window

Once the authorization is complete, you will be able to select a list from your Trello boards. Select the list you want your ProdPad ideas to appear in once they've been pushed to Trello.

Select the Trello list and board you want to use

Next, it's time to map your fields from ProdPad to Trello.

In this step, you'll pick which fields from your Ideas page you want to send to Trello. At the very least, you need to select something for the Name field in Trello – we recommend using the Title field from your ProdPad idea for this. You can also pre-fill the Description in your Trello cards with the description, business case and functional specs in ProdPad, or any combination of them.

Finally, you can set your field mapping to include mockups and files from ProdPad, which will be added as Attachments to your new card in Trello, once you push.

set your field mapping to include mockups and files from ProdPad

The last step is to map your statuses.

Trello 'statuses' are set based on which list the card happens to be in. If the card was originally pushed from ProdPad, then it'll be linked to that ProdPad idea, and therefore you can update the status of that idea whenever it moves in Trello.

Idea workflow stage mapping

In this step, you'll set a status per list on your chosen Trello board. For example, if you have a 'Finished' list/column in Trello, you can set it up so that when a card is dropped into that list, the corresponding idea back in ProdPad is updated to 'Released'.

This effectively allows you to use ProdPad as a window into your Trello board, which is particularly useful for non-developer folks on your team who want to keep up to date on the product, but aren’t going to watch the Trello development board for each and every update.

Your Trello integration is now ready to use!

Part 2: Pushing Ideas to Trello

Now that you've got an active integration with Trello set up, it's time to start pushing finished ideas from ProdPad to Trello.

Head to your Ideas List, and pick an idea that's ready for development. In the Idea Canvas page, click on Push at the top right. This will open up a modal window where you can choose to push the Idea via the Trello integration you've set up, or any of your other integrations.

Pushing ideas to Trello in ProdPad

You will see a confirmation message letting you know that a ticket was created in Trello.

On the Idea Canvas now, there will be a link to the Trello ticket in the External Links section, and the ticket in Trello will link back to the ProdPad idea.

A link to the Trello ticket in the External Links section

Top Tip

Don't worry about pushing an idea without a title. ProdPad accounts for that by substituting in the idea number if the title isn’t available. If you wish to edit the title, you can do so by hovering over the added link and clicking on the pencil icon.

Part 3: Get your team on board

To make it easy for your team to use the same integration mappings, you can share your integration with your team.

In your Integrations list, click on the 'Teamwide' toggle.

Inviting team members

Once this is done, anyone in your ProdPad account can log in and go to the Integrations & API page, and select the original integration in the 'Available Integrations' list.

Top Tip

Looking to add multiple projects? If you wish to setup another project within Trello, simply repeat the steps above. You may set up as many integrations as you like - and as long as they're the same account (base URL) they will only count as one integration.

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