May 2024 Release Update

May 3rd

New Features

  • Tags are now displayed alphabetically. To see your tags, click this link here. Alternatively, navigate to Settings > Account Settings > Tags for an overview of the tags on your account. 🏷️

Bug Fixes

  •  We have fixed an issue for trialists where users could not complete a task by linking Feedback to an Idea. ✅

May 9th

Bug Fixes

  • We have fixed an issue that was causing the "Read full feedback" preview button in the Signals tab not to display Feedback when clicked. Now when you click this button, a modal opens up displaying the linked Feeback. You can click anywhere in the modal to open up the Feedback canvas and go directly to the Feedback. 🔧 

May 14th

New Features

  • We have added additional Feedback source types! These include:

    - User interview
    - Survey
    - Video call
    - Research
    - Customer Review
  • Users invited to an account linked with active Google Single Sign-On (SSO) can now authenticate via Google instead of needing to set up a password. ✈️
  • We have removed the Twitter field from Contacts and replaced it with a Customer Type field. 🗑️

Bug Fixes

  • We have fixed an issue affecting the number of Signals linked to Feedback displaying as 0, even when there were Signals linked to that Feedback. 📶
  • We have fixed an issue where multiple Jira integrations were causing Ideas to have the same Project ID. 🪞
  • We have fixed an issue where admins were unable to create a new account while SAML is enabled.  👷🏻
  • We have fixed an issue that was causing Jira to create a notification in the Sub-Issue History log every 15 minutes. 📬

May 21st

New Features

  • We have improved the toolbar by fixing it to the top of the page when scrolling down. This ensures easy access to editing tools at all times! 🔧

May 29th

New Features

  • We have updated AI Functions to use the GTP-4o model by default, which will improve function response time across ProdPad! 🤖


  • Carried out maintenance to upgrade essential app framework. 💻

May 30th

New Features

  • Users can now seamlessly sync their updates on existing Azure DevOps (ADO) tickets! 🎟️

Bug Fixes

  • We have fixed an issue that was causing editors to see an empty error message and the save button to not disable when editing/adding ADO mappings. 🗺️

BETA Feature Updates

  • We have implemented style improvements on the Reports page for better visual clarity and user experience! 🎨
  • Charts are currently displayed that show the average time ideas spend per workflow stage. 📊

If you'd like to be involved in the testing of our BETA features, contact us here or reach out to our support team: to learn more! 

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