September 2021 Release Update


  • There is now a global favorite product filter toggle, use this to only see your favorite products, and their associated ideas and feedback when navigating the app 🔎
  • API: When creating ideas you can now link existing feedback in the same POST request. 📬
  • We have added the ability to search through filters on ideas and feedback lists (as well as a few other filters around the app) making it easier to find things rather than scrolling! 🥱
  • When going into a 'New Idea' and accessing the Workflow tab, it will now be visible in the workflow, rather than requiring you to move it first. 👻
  • Lazy loading is now enabled in the New Idea column! ⌛️
  • When exporting your feedback to a CSV file, "Company name” and “added by” are now both available fields, hooray! 🥳
  • Roadmap Cards are now even handier, and show the amount of linked feedback in addition to the number of ideas! 👋


  • Some pesky typos are no longer in the onboarding flow! 🤓
  • When logging out, your favorite products/product lines selections will still be there when you log back in 🎉
  • When searching for an idea number in global search, you now will see the exact idea with that ID 🤷
  • When using the 'Date' filter in candidate or completed Initiatives, it now correctly shows results for each time frame.
  • When assigning a company to a contact, you could not remove the association, but only replace it with another company. This has now been fixed! 🛠
  • The wrong value was being shown for the integration when hovering over items on the workflow, but this has now been corrected. ✅
  • Objectives were not persisting on initiatives when moving them between products, but now they are! 🪧
  • The spacing between the checkboxes and titles within the feedback and ideas lists was a little snug, so we've amended this. ➡️
  • Dragging initiatives from candidates to the main roadmap was not persisting, but this is now working as expected. 🐉
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