
  • Availability
    • Plan: Enterprise 
  • Roles and Permissions
    • Add/Delete: Admins only

Circles is an advanced team management feature which allows account admins to assign users to specific user circles, which will in turn limit their access to assigned products/product lines and any associated items. This helps admins manage the privacy and security of certain individuals, products and any related assets as needed. 

How to Create a Circle

To create a new Circle, click on the Apps menu at the top right and select the Circles app.

Here you will find two tabs:

  • Circles - A view of all available circles, with the Portfolio available as a default. Any users in the Portfolio group (other than admins) will automatically have access to all items in an account. 
  • Lists - A view of all users, roles, and products, which can be filtered out as needed using the filters available. 

To create a new circle, click on Add a new circle at the top right.  

Enter the Circle's name (for example, the team of people that will be part of this group), a circle color, and select the relevant members. 


  • By default, admins have access to all items, resources and assets in an account, so they cannot be limited to a Circle.
  • Users can only be assigned to one circle, but products can belong to multiple Circles.

How to Assign Products to Circles

Next select the product(s) and/or product lines this Circle will have specific access to.

It's important to remember that all items in ProdPad must be linked to the relevant products in order for the users in the relevant Circles to have access to them. If those items are not linked, users will not be able to see them.

Click on Save & finish to save.

You will now see the newly created Circle on your Circles tab. If you need to edit it at any time, hover over it and click the View/Edit option.

Enabling your Circle App

Once you have created all your Circles, it's time to turn the app on! 

Find the toggle at the top right of your page and make sure it reads Circles is enabled.

Inviting New Users to a Circle

There are two ways of adding a user to a circle:

  1. If the user already exists, you follow the instructions above.
  2. Invite a new user to your ProdPad account to a specific Circle

To invite a new user, go to the Invite Users module and enter the user's email address.. Then select their role and user Circle.

Upon logging in, users in placed in Circles will only see the data specific to their user group. Personas, workflows and tags currently still remain global assets.

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