20-03-26 Release Update
- You can now update your product icons directly from the roadmap view by clicking on the thumbnail. Super quick!
- Feedback can now be sorted by contacts and companies (in alphabetical order.)
- Never miss a beat! Date created and date updated on ideas and feedback lists now show exact dates and times instead of general time frames.
- OKR PDF report displays key result tracking icon. Let's pretend we didn't miss that on Tuesday's release.
- Quick access to contacts and companies directly from the ideas list. Shazam.
- When you update your company name in Account Settings, it will display the update on the account switcher dropdown. Now that just seems like a silly bug.
- Better display of OKRs on mobile. 💅
- Feedback CSV import now requires contact name and feedback, as it should do, because you can't have feedback linked to ghosts.
- Because little fixes should be celebrated too, the export button on the feedback list now matches the export button on the ideas list.
- There was a lag when saving, it is there no more.
- When navigating from idea triaging back to a roadmap card, roadmaps no longer show as empty. That was a fun one!
- Slack API has been updated to allow for longer identifiers, making sure new members can submit ideas and feedback successfully.